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Cheap PCMCIA CD-ROM $120 4x

From: 	tisol[SMTP:machule@triumf.ca]
Sent: 	Wednesday, February 19, 1997 2:38 PM
To: 	'comp.sys.laptops'
Subject: 	Cheap PCMCIA CD-ROM  $120  4x

$120 for the Sony 4X CD-ROM refurb. 
http://www.insight.com/  1-800-467-4448 
  patrick at ext  5126 isn't too bad.
This is the PRD-250  Diskman PCMCIA
Given that the Adaptec SCSI  2 card will cost you the ~same
it seems like a very good deal. It comes with an OEM Adaptec.
(or should........)