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Re: Does Solaris support mwave..? (fwd)

> On Fri, 21 Feb 1997, Dave Ahn wrote:
> > 3. Run DOSEmu and open a DOS session, loading the necessary MWave
> >    drivers to use the modem.
> > 4. Run a DOS comm package under DOSEmu.
> Hmm, that may actually work, I may have to try that.  However, what good
> is a modem if you can't use it for PPP? 

You should be able to use a PPP driver strictly under the DOSEmu session
(ugly).  However, if your intent is to use PPP under Linux with MWave,
it might be possible with some minor changes to DOSEmu and Linux kernel
device mapping srcs.

After step 3 above, DOSEmu should have a virtual serial port assigned
by the MWave drivers.  If you can export the device from DOSEmu into
Linux (via kernel device mapping), you can load a serial driver module
under Linux at that address and access the modem.

A few concerns with this procedure might include:
1. unexpected results if the serial device is written to simultaneously
   from under Linux and DOSEmu.
2. unexpected results if the DOSEmu session is closed.
3. unexpected results if the serial port is re-initialized.
3. is the MWave COM port a completely software driven virtual device,
   or does MWave actually have serial hardware registers that just get
   initialized by the MWave drivers?  (latter seems to be unlikely).

> > 1. Boot DOS and run MWave sound initialization.
> > 2. Run LoadLin to boot into Linux (kernel sound config should match
> >    the DOS sound config).
> I understand that this is known to work.

Because MWave sound is hardware register compatible with Sound Blaster *
as opposed to being a software emulation.

Good luck!

Dave Ahn,  ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu     "When you were born you cried, and the
                                         world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Medical Visualization Lab, Radiology,    so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2