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Port cases - near disaster story

I want to just drop a comment on the port cases. I have two, and use one
of them every day. 

The problem I have found is with the clasp. Mine has come off by itself
a lot of times. The first time it happened the whole case slipped from
my arm and hit the ground with a sickening solid thunk. The suspension
system couldn't help because the case landed squarely on its side.
Everything looked OK on my 760cd, but when I fired it up the CD made a
sick sound and did not work. I called IBM and explained what happened
and they said no problem, they would cover under warranty. I thought
that was terrific. I do have the insurance and they also said they would
pay, but I just let IBM handle it.

The basic design flaw with the clasp is that you push the jointed
release *in* to release! My fix has been to put a plastic twist tie (the
kind you would use to organize network cable) around the clasp and the
ring. I have found it dangling by the twist tie a few times since then.
I really do love the case in terms of room and functionality, but felt
compelled to share this experience with the list.

Mike Crumrine