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Re: chessie@megsinet.net

> [Solaris/x86] Blows SCO away and is easier
> than LINUX to install and configure.  LINUX tends to support more devices
> more quickly but Solaris is infinitely more stable.

The above statement is generally true, but I would like to make some
clarifying comments, hoping that they won't start a debate on
which OS is "better" than the other.

At the kernel level, _release_ versions of Linux OS and Solaris OS
are equally stable.  Furthermore, a well configured Linux
installation is as stable as a well configured Solaris installation.
Unfortunately, the difficulties that users have with properly
configuring Linux stem from the poor quality of available
_distributions_ (e.g. Red Hat, Slackware, Debian, etc), which
often contain outdated or alpha/beta versions of system software.
Solaris, on the other hand, has commercial quality packaging with
well written documentation, user-friendly installation interface,
and robust system level software.

It is important to understand that properly configuring and using any
Linux distribution often requires in depth knowledge of system
software management and administration as well as familiarity with
software development (for kernel config and recompile), despite
recent improvements in distribution quality.  The majority
of Linux users these days do not have this expertise.  Solaris OS
isn't any "better" than Linux OS.  Rather, it has better packaging
so that configuration and use do not require the same level of
expertise as is needed for Linux.  This "shrinkwrapped" OS can be
a worthwhile, though pricey, alternative to Linux.

My intention here isn't to discourage interested users from dabbling
with Linux but rather to inform them that while running Linux is
fairly cheap and easy, running Linux _well_ may require a fair bit of
time, effort, and knowledge.

Dave Ahn,  ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu     "When you were born you cried, and the
                                         world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Medical Visualization Lab, Radiology,    so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2