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Re: Safest Carrying Case?

> > I just received my 560 133MHZ.  It's a beauty -- I prefer the trade-off
> > 
> > In general, which cases best protect against damage if the case is
> > dropped?  (That's my biggest concern.)

I bought the large case made by Port.  I bought the big one because I needed something 
long enough to keep my legal pads in.   All of the Port cases have a suspended "carrier" 
in the center where you're ThinkPad goes.  That removes shock when walking, running, or 
dropping the case.  The fact that it's in the center protects it from schock when you 
lay it down flat, like at the airport security check.  You can find pictures etc., on 
the web page of the ThinkPad options page.


||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
||    laniear@ibm.net  OR  laniear@netcom.com               ||
||                                                          ||