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16MB DRAM for 755

I have a 16MB Parity DRAM module forsale.  It has been used
in a 755CE without ANY problems ... just upgrading to more
memory.  I thought I would ask $150 OBO.

 1 Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant
 2 Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
 3 v: 801-583-8544 e: aimsllc@ibm.net / bangell@cs.utah.edu
 4 --------------------------------------------------------
 5 Applied Info & Mngmnt Systems has services as follows:  
 6 Intra/Internet, Notes, Multiplatform integration
 7 Networking (TCPIP,etc), Custom (AWK-PERL-C-Visualizer),
 8 Database dsgn/dev. (DB2-SQLserver-Oracle-etc.), Modeling
 9 OS's (Win95;Warp/NT Server; AIX / HP-UX / SunOS; OS/400)
10 --------------------------------------------------------
11 "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand-
12 wich, they would both be with us today!"