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Re: Upgrading 701 to Win95

At 02:19 PM 2/14/97 -0500, Robert Munzenrider wrote:
>I recently inherited a TP701, and I want to upgrade it from Win3.11 to
>I'm a little confused by the little port one uses to connect either the
>external floppy or a parallel printer. I'm going to need that port to
>connect a parallel- port-type Backpack-Brand External CD drive. I will have
>to use that cd/port to install Win95 from its Win95 Upgrade CD.
>_BUT_, I need to access the A-drive through the same port at some point
>during the installation process to make my Win95 StartUp disk.   ????
>My question: Can I unplug my CD connector and then plug in my A-drive, etc.
>during the Win95 installation process without disrupting the installation?
>Does the TP701 tolerate swapping peripherals connected through that port
>while still on-line?

	I seem to remember having done so myself.

>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed to install Win95 from a
>cd in this little machine?

	Yes--use the port replicator.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
Marshall Graduate School of Business at USC    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

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