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Re: Introduction, Display & Ethernet question...

On Thu, 13 Feb 1997, Steve Hultquist wrote:

> 3Com is the clear winner in PC Card Ethernet adapters, in my opinion.

That's what I was leaning towards, anyway. ;)  Just wanted to be sure.

> Also, take a look at the PS2 command for some interesting display 
> switching possibilities.  PS2 is the Thinkpad Utility program for DOS.

I tried the vexp option, which didn't appear to do anything, and the
mode3x, which did work, only helps text mode.  100x37 isn't particularly
helpful, though...  (at least not for me) 

  Scott McDermott - Systems Administrator     | Deliver yesterday,
  King County Library System                  |   Code today,
  PGP key available in the usual places       |     Think tomorrow