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RE: 701C Sound Problem

I would suspect that you have a conflict happening with another one of the hardware features the 701 offers. I have had no problems with the setup and use of all of my ThinkPad's features, although there were a couple of things I had to juggle to get the system working (like disabling the IR. port while docked, etc.)

If you could, E-mail me a copy of your configuration and I can try to see where your problem is.

Lance Nichols,
Technical Support Analyst, CompuSmart Edmonton
The views expressed here are entirely my own, and in no way reflect those of my employer, unless specifically stated.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Patrick Anthony Forte [SMTP:pforte@worldnet.att.net]
Sent:	Tuesday, February 11, 1997 9:09 AM
To:	THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	701C Sound Problem

	On a 701C, under Windows 95, has anyone been able to get the sound driver
to work?  I have wasted may hours loading the ESS ES688 Autodrive driver
with very little success.  ONE TIME, the sound recorder worked (under
accessory, multimedia) but never again.  Under the Device manager, the
sound driver shows a yellow exclamation mark but there is not any conflict
indicated.  PLEASE HELP!

	Is there anyone I can pay to fix this problem?  Thanks
