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Re: New 701c owner

Thanks, I finally figured that you have to extract the .exe before updating
the BIOS. I guess more experienced users just "know" this stuff. I wish
instructions made next to no assumptions about a user's knowledge.

Here's another issue I'm looking for help on...I posted earlier re my
desire to find a cheap option to access my desktop CD from the 701. Another
mail list subscriber suggested CDLink, available at:

I know others (David Ross for one) have reported success w/this, but I'm
having trouble. If it makes any difference, I've got Win95 running on both
the desktop & and laptop. CDLink's instructions call for adding lines to
autoexec.bat and config.sys, both of which are basically irrelevant files
in Win95, as far as I can tell. I nonetheless modified both files and
otherwise followed the readme. CDSERVE comes up fine on the desktop, but
the laptop still doesn't see the desktop's CD-ROM.

CDLink's instructions call for running Win95 in "real" mode. What the heck
is "real" mode? Safe mode? Normal mode? There is no "real"  mode option
pressing F8 on bootup before Win95 launches.

My first choice would be to use direct cable connection, but that's not an
option at this point because the previous owner didn't install it into the
accessories group. I tried copying "directcc.exe" (direct cable connection)
onto the laptop in c:\windows. 

But when I tried to launch it the laptop reported the direct cable
connection wasn't installed, and directed me to control panel's add/remove
program. There, Win95 is looking for an installation program. Dunno what my
next move should be. 

Any help?


At 01:47 PM 2/8/97 -0700, you wrote:
>> Perhaps you or others can enlighten me on another subject. At:
>>    http://www.pc.ibm.com/support/tps/sys701.html
>> I downloaded <sys7013O.exe> to update the flash bios. I copied that file to
>> a diskette (after changing the config utility on page 2 from "hard disk" to
>> "smart" or "conventional" per the instructions). I can hear the TP try to
>> go to the a:drive. But it doesn't get far before reporting "Invalid system
>> disk. Replace the disk, and then press any key."
>> Any clues here?
>As I recall, the file sys7013o.exe is a self expanding file.  You need
>to unarchive its contents to the floppy disk first.  I think you just
>need to doublr click the file to do this. Then you can follow the
>instructions for upgrading.  I believe they are at the same place you
>got the sys7013O.exe file.  
>Greg A.
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 Peter Lewis