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Re: direct cable connection issue

David's point is well taken. As the original poster, I was interested in
exactly what he recounts...cheap options on how to install software with
some tonnage --
or even an O/S -- onto my CD-less TP 701C from my desktop which has a CD.

Question to David: The cdlink readme refers to the need to run the program
under Win95 in real mode. Since you report success, please tell 
me if "real" mode is really "safe" mode? And related to that: Did you have
both the "client" (laptop) and "server" (desktop) in real (a/k/a safe)
mode, or just one of them? (If just one, which?)


On Wed, 5 Feb 1997, David Ross wrote:

> I wrote:
> >  BTW, if all you want to do is transfer files, then you can do this
> > >  either using a Laplink-like program or even with Interlink
> Ron replied:
> > Actually, you can do it with Kermit, which has advantages in terms of 
> > cost over Laplink, ease of setup over Interlink, interoperability 
> > with non DOS/Windows operating systems, and availability on non 
> > DOS/Windows operating systems.
> Or any other comms program, presumably. This is a good point.
> However, this won't work for large-scale installation of an OS or
> programs from a CDROM onto a CD-less machine, which I
> believe is what the original poster wanted.  Also, Kermit (at least
> the version I have) won't talk to the parallel port, and serial
> transfers are so slowwww.
> Incidentally, I had a chance to try the CDLINK program last night.
> Very very nice, especially at the price (free).  I *had* been pricing
> out external CDROM drives for my TP, but not any more. (Probably I
> should do some benchmarking of the CD link before I make any blanket
> assertions; however, in theory I should be able to get transfer speeds
> comparable to a 6x CD ROM through the ECP.)
> - David