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RE: Upgrading TP755

Your DX2-50 is mounted on a small circuit board # 59G4056.
You could replace it with a # 84G4288 which is the 75/25 Mhz version.
On all (?) TP's the CPU is soldered to the motherboard. You are lucky
in that you motherboard is in 2 sections.  This means that to have someone
unsolder and resolder an AMD 100/25 Mhz CPU "should" be much cheaper
than the $~450 ish normally charged. Mainly because of risk reasons since most IBM MB's cost over $1000 .
  Is it worth it...?? contact "pepsales " and "corporate upgrades" for some benchmarks but ask for system benchmarks.
Some folks like to quote landmark's SPEED index which is meaningless.
What you want is is ZIF's Winstone or equiv.
If you want to do it yourself ....try to find a cheap /free processor card.
Getting at the card is a bitch; you will have to do a complete dismantle. 
Note that the one for the 750Ce has a different part # 66G9225 for the 50/25 Mhz though the upgrade version is the same.   :-}   To keep things interresting
IBM's FAx back doc  #42007, lists part # 84G2154 for the 755C as the upgrade
and.....66G9265 if you want IBM do do it.
IBM sells 1.08 and 1.2 Gig HD's for this model so it seems LBA support is there. So if you want a bigger HD, physical dimensions and price may be your only concern. I seem to remember some concerns re:
hibernate mode with some Toshiba HD's.
Search the archives and DEJANEWS

From: 	Angus Hewlett[SMTP:afh1@ukc.ac.uk]
Sent: 	Sunday, February 02, 1997 1:12 PM
To: 	peter machule
Subject: 	Re: Upgrading TP755

Thanks for your help so far, but I was wondering:
as my '486 chip is already a 3.3v chip, with a 25MHz bus speed, it is
AFAIK essentially no different to a DX4-75 apart from the internal clock
So is the DX4 board likely to make any difference, or have I missed
something here? The voltage is the same, the BIOS is the same, the board
is the same - and the chip is the bit that's getting replaced anyway...
I hope!

Thanks again,

- When all else fails, we can whip the horses' eyes,               -
- And make them sleep,                                             -
- And cry.                           -The Soft Parade              -