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Re: Installing ZIP parallel port drive on TP701cs - How?

At 03:36 PM 1/31/97 -0500, J. Starkey wrote:
>What is the "trick" to installing a ZIP parallel port drive to a ThinkPad
>701cs under Windows95? I can put the files from the installation diskette
>into a directory on the hard drive and install from that with the drive
>attached via the adapter to the ThinkPad. However, subsequently, with the
>ZIP drive attached to the parallel port on the Multiport port replicator
>no drive letter is found for the Zip drive when booting.

	The way I had to do it was to run the DOS version of "Guest", THEN boot
Win95 from the DOS prompt (not really "boot", but start it anyway).

	I then copied the contents of the Zip disk into a temporary directory on
the drive and installed from that directory.

	Now it works fine, but I agree with you--it was like pulling teeth at first.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
Marshall Graduate School of Business at USC    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

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