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Re: tp760: different master-slave id select?

> Is it true that the IBM 760 series (and specifically
> the 760 ED) has upgraded the "Master-Slave" ID select
> such that these drives are no longer compatible with
> the earlier 355, 360, 750 and 755s?

My experience suggests that this is true. I've been using some of
the OEM variants of IBM's 12.5mm drives in my 760, and they are
master/slave jumpered in the same manner as the older 17mm drives (360,
750, 755), which in turn appears to be opposite to the way that stock
ThinkPad 760 drives are jumpered.

Jumper details for some of IBM's drives are available on one of IBM's web
sites; unfortunately, I don't recall the URL, but it might be in the ThinkPad
mailing list archives.