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RE: Hello


Strange - I also bought a Thinkpad in CH, sent off my registration card and never
heard anything from IBM. That was 6 months ago... Fortunately I've not yet
needed any maintenance. Anyone else in CH not getting any response from IBM?


Andrew Richards.
From: 	Afzal Ballim[SMTP:ballim@lith.di.epfl.ch]
Sent: 	Dienstag, 28. Januar 1997 12:09
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	Hello

Just wanted to introduce myself. My lab. bought me a 755CDV to use for 
presentations and teaching. The use on an overhead is a very good feature (I 
find). It's a shame they discontinued it.

Altohugh I sent off the registration forms in December to IBM (Switzerland), 
they never sent anything back to me. That's a bit of a problem as I have a 
number of difficulties with the machine and the help line (I presume) requires 
you to give them a registration number.

I got rid of OS2 and installed win95, which works quite well. There's various 
small problems (most are documented in the various files wrt win95 on the IBM pc 
site). However, recently two things started mysteriously happening. First, when 
booting on win95 it keeps trying to access the A: drive, even  when the CD-ROM 
is installed. The "My Computer" icon shows both A: and D: (the cdrom). I'm using 
the win95 default drivers for the cdrom (BTW). If I exit to DOS and return to 
win95 after, the cdrom is no longer visible. I've checked the various boot files 
and .ini files, but no mention is made to A: in any of them.

More seriously, I can no longer access PCMCIA cards. The win95 PCMCIA wizard 
tells me that the slots are empty. I reinstalled the IBM PCMCIA drivers, and 
they tell me the same thing. The EZ test gives me an OK on PCMCIA1 (2 is greyed 

-Afzal Ballim