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Re: Upgrade Question

The replacement of any user replaceable componet w/n void the basic
warranty. If you install non IBM or Thinkpad proven memory, hard
drive, battery only that part will not be covered by the warranty.
The rest of the system will still be covered.

On Tue, 31 Dec 96 18:35:20 -0800, laniear@ibm.net wrote:

>It seems to me that one piece of information you should include in ANY post regarding 
>upgrades is whether your proposed (offered) upgrade does or does not (or whether 
>you've taken any action to determine whether) it invalidate the ThinkPad warranty.  
>One of the reasons we've bought ThinkPads is the warranty and I think that this is a 
>consideration (major or not) to many other buyers.  So, what information do you have 
>relating to warranty compliance?
>BTW, Dave, you can buy 32M memory modules for the 701 (from IBM at least) and they 
>will not invalidate your warranty.
>//--- forwarded letter -------------------------------------------------------
>> Date: Tue, 31 Dec 96 20:13:17 -0500
>> From: PEPSales@aol.com
>> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
>> Subject: Upgrade Question
>> Dave,
>> Thank you for your inquiry. The largest Hard Drive available for the TP701 at
>> this time is the 2.1gb. I am sending you all our upgrade information for your
>> system. we have been upgrading the CPU on this system for quite awhile now
>> with excellent results. If you have a DX2/50 processor, the AMD 5X86/100mhz
>> CPU will more than double the response of your system. Our benchmarks show
>> your response to be the response equivalent of the Pentium 75. Please contact
>> me if you have any other questions or concerns.
>> Best Regards,
>> Michael
>> email: pepsale2@portables.com
>> Portable Enhancements
>> The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
>> Up to 2.1GB in your Notebook!
>> WEB: http://www.portables.com
>> =======Original Message=========
>> X-Sender: dspeed@mail.well.com
>> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 08:33:17 -0500
>> To: pepsale2@portables.com
>> From: Dave Speed <dspeed@well.com>
>> Subject: Upgrade Question
>> Gentlemen;
>> I saw a posting in the IBM Thinkpad  mailing list.
>> I have a 701C and am thinking about upgrading the HD (either sooner or
>> later) and
>> the advisability of upgrading the processor.
>> What is the net speed effect of upgrading the processor ?
>> Can you upgrade the memory on the systemboard ?  It is my
>> understanding that this unit does not take 32 mb modules.
>> Thanks
>> Dave Speed
>||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
>||    laniear@ibm.net  OR  laniear@netcom.com               ||
>||                                                          ||