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Re: Dead in the water with bad disk partition - help?

Thanks, john, for the quick response!

On Tue, 21 Jan 1997, John H. Kim wrote:

> Please excuse the long quotes.

Ditto - though i'll probably excise mercelessly.

> On Tue, 21 Jan 1997, Ken Manheimer wrote:
> > In a few careless moves i may have fouled up my 701CS thinkpad
> > harddisk (710 mb) partitioning so badly that i may have to send the

> ("You're telling me I can make a Thinkpad disk unusable by just
> repartitioning the hard disk with DOS fdisk!?").

We'll see what happens - they're sending a coffin for me to ship my
machine back to them.

> I don't think this is a password problem because I don't use
> passwords on my 701.  If it were a password problem, wouldn't
> it ask for a HD password?

Dunno, but the tech support guy was equally dubious about my password
matching theory.  Plus, i didn't have any password set, and toggling the
password in the prom configure utility (by booting without the disk) 
didn't help, either.  I still have a nagging suspicion that it's
something to do with the special provisions for harddisk password
protection.  But we may never know...

> >  - Is there any way for me to reset the harddisk partition - something
> >    i can do to get it online, so i can eg do an 'fdisk /mbr'?
> I only had a floppy drive to work with, but like you said, it
> hangs before it even checks the floppy.  You might try buying
> a 2.5" IDE adapter and putting the drive on a desktop machine
> and fdisk'ing it from there.

Hmm, perhaps one of the machines around here already has such.  I just
don't know about the cabling, etc.  (Connectors.  I hate connectors.)

> If it's only 1.5 years old, it should still be under warranty. 
> Tell them you were repartitioning when the hard disk stopped
> working.  When they replace the drive, the new one comes with
> all the original software installed. 

It depends on whether they see it as a software or hardware problem.
Software (OS) is not covered very long.  There's something to be said
for both sides - i was mucking about with another OS, but then if they
made it unreasonably susceptible, they may just be responsible.  We'll

Anyway, thanks again for the info!

ken manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us		  (703) 620-8990 x268