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RE: Caddy for TP760?

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Tim Tyhurst [SMTP:tim@excelsior.com]
>Sent:	Tuesday, January 21, 1997 9:48 AM
>To:	tomf@conic.lmco.com
>Cc:	jmcghee@cyberramp.net; thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
>Subject:	Re: Caddy for TP760?
>My experience has been that the PS Solutions 760 thin caddy has been
>on the verge of being ready "next week" since mid-November, when I first
>talked with Jerome. Of course, I really hope that it will ship this
>Friday, but I'm not holding my breath just yet.
>[David Liu]  Do you know if they got the caddy for 755CE ? do they have any
>fax no or Web address so I can place my mailorder ?
>David Liu