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Re: 701C Ni-Cd Battery? -Reply

On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Trevor Boicey wrote:
> wpuser%gwise.hpsi{HPSI.TAMPA:Ggarrison}@healthplan.com wrote:
> > I have a 701C that I purchased new a little over a year ago (when they
> > were discontinuing the line).  Everything's worked great for me until
> > recently.  In the last couple of months I've found that while the onboard
> > battery will say the fully-charged battery should operate for an hour and
> > 45 or 50 minutes - it will actually conk out after about 30 minutes.
> > 
> > Is this just the inevitable battery wear out?  Or is there likely to be
> > some other problem.
>   I called IBM tech support in Canada today about this problem,
> and they are mailing me a new battery. I was only getting about

IBM's warranty on Thinkpad batteries is 1 year, even if your
machine has a 3 year warranty.  For the longest time, they were
ignoring this and replacing batteries no-questions-asked, but
about a year ago they started to clamp down.  My suggestion if
you got a rep who refused to send you a replacement was to hang
up, call back, and hope for someone nicer.  I don't know if
works (didn't for me).

Considering IBM's stock is at an all-time high, perhaps they've
had a change of heart?
John H. Kim