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Re: TP 701C & 560 - scales 320x200 video modes to 640x480?

On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Eric Wong wrote:

> 560 info:
> There is a command/function sequence to make standard VGA and 640x480
> fit full screen, but it does not look too good (IMHO).  I think you will
> have to judge for yourself, depending on the game you want to play.

  I think Duke Nukem 3D ought to do fine in native 800x600.  It runs 
reasonably fast at that res on my P5-100/512PB cache/64MB home machine, so 
ought to well enough on a plain P5-120 in the TP-560.  I'm more concerned 
about things like Quake these days.  My home machine is a bit weak for 
the higher res modes and I mainly do 320x200 modes.  Scaling it to 
640x400 would be a nice and clean way to go.  800x600 is a weird aspect 
ratio for PC's and isn't easy to scale cleanly.

  Quake and Duke Nukem 3D both do fine without the CD once they are 
loaded, so I don't need a fast & portable CD drive right away.

> I play DOS games on my TP560-133 with no problems.  I would suggest that
> you get the newest VESA SVGA drivers from SciTech (previously univesa). 

  I use 'em on my desktop PC.  Good stuff.

> You may also consider purchasing a SCSI PC Card with a SCSI CD-ROM for
> best game play of the newest games.

  I was planning on getting the Adaptec 1460.  I have an external NEC 7 
disc double speed changer I can hook it up to here at home until I get a 
nice portable "discman" style reader.  "parallel port" devices are too 
weak.  Though I may get a parallel port Zip drive for all around flexibility.

> Not sure about a place for memory, but I would suggest sticking with
> major brands like Kingston and Viking.

  I mainly want to put enough RAM in it to last me a few years.  Right at 
the moment 24MB is right around my "magic threshhold" before a machine 
performs reasonably well with the stuff I run.  The name brand RAM is 
around $600 and up for 32MB from what I've seen.  Five or more times the 
cost of desktop PC RAM seems ridiculous.  Two to three times wouldn't be 
totally out of line..

  Is there a reasonable source for batteries?  I need at least one spare.
