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Re: Linux on TP750Cs

> (1)  Could someone send me their current XF86Config for use with
> the internal display, an 800x600 external monitor, and a 1024x768
> external monitor?

I don't have one for the 750CS (dual scan) model.  You should visit
the Thinkpad FAQ homepage, which gives detailed instructions on how
to get XF86 working on a 750CS, though outdated.

> (2)  Could someone suggest how to configure Linux using the SYSV
> rc.d scripts so that the ethernet startup software does not hang
> the boot process when no ethernet cable is attached?  It would be
> even better if someone could suggest a configuration which would
> allow alternate use (1) without any network attached, (2) while
> connected to campus ethernet, and (3) while attached via dialup
> IP (SLIP prefered -- PPP as an alterative) from home to campus.

Slackware 3.x already uses rc.d scripts.  They are located in
/etc/rc.d/... I would recommend using netconfig to setup your TP
to use loopback by default.  You should be able to write two
simple scripts which use ifconfig to access your campus network.
Also, the PPP (or SLIP) package from Slackware contains the necessary
scripts to dialup and configure a serial connection.

I know of someone who ingeniously modified the kernel module loader/
unloader scripts to automatically run ifconfig/etc when an ethernet
card was inserted or removed.  This isn't very flexible but certainly
very convenient if your point of connection will always be the same.

> (3)  Finally, I'd like to know what needs to be done to get suspend
> and hibernate to work while in Linux.  The BIOS functions do not
> seem to work when I press suspend and hibernate keys while in Linux.

Suspend using Fn-F4 combo only seems to work part of the time under
Linux.  Your best bet is to get the APMD package.  I use it to
suspend my 750C directly from the kernel.  It works very well, and
the PCMCIA cards resume after suspend smoothly.  I have not tried to
get hibernation to work under Linux due to lack of need, but it
shouldn't be too hard.

> Thanks, Aexander

Dave Ahn,  ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu     "When you were born you cried, and the
                                         world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Medical Visualization Lab, Radiology,    so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2