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Re: Thinkpad 750Cs hard drive upgrade 340 MB ==> 720 MB

At 12:32 AM 12/22/96 -0700, Steve Hultquist wrote:
>Note that while all this is true, you might want to pick up Partition 
>Magic.  It will allow you to change the cluster size to optimize space. 
>Check out the info at http://www.powerquest.com/
>Just a happy customer.  It's saved my bacon a bunch of times!

	I'll add my recommendation to Steve's.  For about $50, this is a software
program that can save you HOURS of pain.

	However, about that cluster size thing--Partition Magic can't magically
make your clusters smaller (on a normal FAT system). It *will* "suggest" a
parition size more suited to the data contained on that particular
partition which will optimize the slack loss by going to a partition
size/cluster size combination that is best for the data/size of files on
that partition.

	I can't say enough about Partition Magic though--who'd have thought you
could change partition sizes on the fly without destroying data contained
thereon?!  Its beautiful.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

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