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Re: Thinkpad 750Cs hard drive upgrade 340 MB ==> 720 MB

On Sunday, 22nd December 1996, Alexander J. Annala wrote:

> I upgraded my TP750Cs tonight from 340 MB to 720 MB...
> Now, I made the mistake of making the entire drive one
> partition -- so the cluster size is 16384 bytes.  Could
> someone send me a table breaking down partition size vs
> cluster size -- so I might subdivide my disk optimally
> to avoid having a bunch of tiny files allocated in area
> with huge cluster size.

The FAT cluster size follows powers-of-two MB:

     partition size     cluster size
     --------------     ------------
        up to 32 MB            512 B
              64 MB             1 KB
             128 MB             2 KB
             256 MB             4 KB
             512 MB             8 KB
               1 GB            16 KB
               2 GB            32 KB

(In this list, 1 KB = 1024 B; 1 MB = 1024 KB; and 1 GB
= 1024 MB.) Regarding your partitioning plan, I'd make
the first one 64 MB rather than 32 MB (to allow for
extra typefaces, memory managers, &c.). Your third one
should probably stay below 512 MB; that would leave
your second one in the 256 MB category.
> Partition #3 would be for large programs, testing or
> portable development using sytems like Win95/WinNT +
> MS C++ Professional, OS/2 with IBM C++, linux, etc.

Note that the cluster sizes above apply only to FAT file
systems; the Linux file system and NTFS have "cluster"-
type structures that aren't dependent on the size of
their respective partitions. I don't know which behavior
HPFS exhibits.

Happy partitioning!

Christian Carey (ccarey@CapAccess.ORG) +1 301 431 0053