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RE: dynamic dialup Vs fixed Ethernet IP in win95?

On my 701 with win 95 I am doing the exact opposite with a Megahertz combo card. The office connection is a DHCP and the dial up is "fixed" I put fixed in quotes because you can set whatever you like for dial up. So ..... it is possible, it did take some tweaking.

  Chris DiBona

From: 	billy@mix.com[SMTP:billy@mix.com]
Sent: 	Monday, December 09, 1996 12:42 PM
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	Re: dynamic dialup vs fixed ethernet IP in win95?

> I (and several others in my company) need to hook up our laptops via
> ethernet when we're in the office, and dialup from home.

I don't know about W95 but for 3.1 I use cisco's (formerly TGV until
cisco bought them - TGV has been doing VMS extremely well for years
and started the pc software just before cisco) package works fairly
well.  You can have many dialup nets, all different - just click on
whatever and use it (in addition to a normal ethernet network), after
you've entered a configuration for it, of course..  This is one of
its nicest features - I'm out in the field a lot and this makes it
all pretty easy.

The down side is it's $199 a copy and some parts of it could stand
some improvement (telnet windows sometimes change size when used a
second, third, etc. time, sometimes finger doesn't put line feeds
in the text it displays - little stuff like that).  Take a look at
www.tgv.cisco.com for more info.

This is probably not the only package that can do this, but it's
the only one I know about...

Billy Y..