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Hard disk interface failure?

Hi everyone,

I wonder if anyone has had problems with the HD interface on a TP750

After acting on advice to get a non-IBM HD to work in my 750, I
successfully got my Hitachi 810MB drive to work by breaking the link
between the master/slave pins on the HD connector inside the caddy. 

Everything worked fine for a couple of weeks, until one day I reopened
the lid, after suspending the machine as usual, the HD LED remained ON
and the machine wouldn't wake up. I had to remove the battery and
disconnect the power to get the machine to reset. After this, when the
machine boots, the HD LED flickers very dimly, but the HD is not
recognised, and the machine doesn't boot.

If I remove the HD, everything seems OK on the self-test.

Could I have damaged the machine by changing the disk drive? I think the
disk is still OK because the symptoms are the same with a different HD.

I still have 2 months' warranty left, so I'm planning to return it
(after restoring the original HD).
