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Re: Just in time for Christmas!!!

On Mon, 02 Dec 1996 10:42:38 -0800, you wrote:

>At 06:15 AM 12/2/96, orders@compugen.net wrote:
>>Dear Computer User:
>>The perfect gift for your family, a friend, or just for yourself.
>        You know, I have no problem with those on the list who want to sell
>their TP-related items or even someone who pops in to let us know he/she has
>a TP-related item to sell--clearly, it all applies to subject matter of the
>list and many of us can or have taken advantage of the deals we can often
>get from such info.
>        But this very generic "Dear Computer User" ad for keyboards, mice,
>etc. just plain strikes me as blatant commercialism that I'd rather not see.
>        Am I the only one that feels that way?

I usually visit news.announce.newusers and grab the _advertising_on_usenet or
how_to_find_where_to_post faq (both of which are 450-500 lines) and helpfully
email it to the misquided twit who obviously news a clue at least that big. I
usually include a copy to their postmaster if it is a repeat occurrance from
the same site.   

<christij@unix.asb.com> 423B78C80FEA5495 CF64AD5F214797DE
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I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it 
is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I 
am for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole. - Malcolm X