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Re: Good supplier

Michael Redmond wrote:
> I am at a University, so we use contract vendors that give service to
> educational institutions. With that caveat, I have had good luck with Comark
> in the Chicago area for government sales. I'm not sure how they would do for
> "private" purchases, though if you are at MIT and purchasing for internal,
> you would use the government sales group.
> Thanks
> Mike Redmond

Comark is the same outfit that owns USAFlex who,  IMHO, are a bunch of
liers and cheats (regular vistors to com.sys.laptops will generally
agree with this assessment.).  I have excellent luck with PC
Connection,  although I find their prices a little high than some
places. For the last year or so I have purchases virtually all of our
companies hardware and software through CDW in Chicago.  Never had a
problem,  good prices,  and excellent availability. Their number is
800-319-4239.  Ask (or punch in) ext. 7364 for Conner.  he is first

Good luck,

Joe Wilson
Milwaukee,  WI