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RE: Sound under NT 4.0 on a Thinkpad 755C


Yup. I had the same problem. I bought a CDROM for my TP755cx which uses a funky PCMCIA driver that NT doesn't recognise, so I couldnt do the install the regular way. You have several options...

First, I would recommend you format your HD. Do it - it makes sense in the longrun. Install DOS, CDROM drivers. Nothing else.

Option #1
Boot into DOS, and copy the entire D:\I386 directory (using xcopy) to c:\I386. Reboot, then run the winnt command. Something like:
	cd \i386
	winnt /s c:\i386 /b /x

This will start the install, specifying c:\i386 as the source for the install. It'll then uncompres everything, copy to like c:\$WINNT$.~$L or whatever it is, reboot and carry on from there. The /x flag (or it may be /ox) says that you don't want to create the boot floppies - they are unnecessary. 

Option #2
Boot into DOS, and do the same command from the D:\I386 directory - ie, running the install from the CDROM. I couldn't do this simply because I needed a lot of the drivers which were in the I386 directory, and since I couldn't access the CDROM from NT (I knew that anyway) I needed the uncompressed installation directory of NT on my harddisk. If I hadn't copied everything across, then I would not have been able to access the drivers. Follow me?

So, you've installed NT. Reboot, do whatever it tells you to do, and you should be all set. Installed Thinkpad Features for NT. Reboot. Setup the Mwave/Modem/Sound thang. Reboot. Configure COM ports (for modem). Reboot. Setup RAS so you can do that dialup networking thang. Reboot. You're all there. Watch and enjoy as your Mwave services chew up nearly 10MB of memory (hope you've got a lot!). Oh, and *DO* create your emergency repair disk! :)

I run NT4.0 on my TP755cx - with 40MB its a lot faster than Win95 ever was on that machine.

Hope this helps,

I've copied the list so everyone can get the benefit (if theres any) in this email.

From: 	Oliver Rutherfurd
Sent: 	Tuesday, October 29, 1996 1:55 PM
To: 	Rick Tait
Subject: 	Re: Sound under NT 4.0 on a Thinkpad 755C

	I was hoping to install NT 4.0 on my thinkpad 755, but do not know how to
get around the problem of having both floppies and a cd.  How did you get
around this?  - If you had the same problem.  If you have any advice I
would really appreciate some.  Thanks