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TP:"Too Hot for Lap" 755CX Laptop

I don't know if maybe I'm being picky here, or perhaps I have a real problem,
so I'm asking for some help.  I've been travelling with my Thinkpad 755CX a
lot lately and using it on my lap, and I find that I have to put a pillow
between me and the bottom of the computer as it is generating a "LOT" of
heat.  The heat is concentrated toward the back end of the machine, not under
the hard drive and Ultrabay.  The only thermometer in the house only goes up
to 110F and it hit the top.  This much heat seems like it will damage the
system in a hurry.

Am I paranoid about a "feature" of thinkpads, or is there perhaps a problem
with mine that I should send in for service.

- Mike Pinter, Sr.
  Tenneco Automotive