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Re: Unkown Hardware for Enhanced Video fix

This is an exerpt from the Windows 95 upgrade document.  The individual to
whom you are replying really ought to have a copy:


From: Michael Redmond <redmond@engr.wisc.edu>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Unkown Hardware for Enhanced Video fix
Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 1:04 PM

I knew I had this deep in my archives. This is a way to eliminate the ? for
the Enhanced Video driver for 755CD's in Win95. I thought it would have
fixed by now, but I guess not. You only need to do it for the IBM0050

Mike Redmond
----------------From IBM Windows 95 (tpwin95) document...hopefully OK to
o "Unknown Hardware" problem
    If you want to fix this problem, you first need to modify a Win95
    information file in a hidden directory.  If you are not familiar
    with Windows 95 or you are a non-experienced PC / Windows
    user, it's not recommended to do the following. Unexpected results
    may occur if you cannot follow the instructions correctly.

    1. Go to MS-DOS Prompt
    2. Type "CD INF" and press Enter to go to the subdirectory
       C:\WINDOWS\INF. (Note that C:\WINDOWS\INF is a hidden directory)
       These *.INF files are very important for Windows 95 Device
       Manager and you need to save the original one.
    4. Edit NODRIVER.INF.  Type "EDIT NODRIVER.INF" and press Enter.
    5. Search ÕManufacturerþ section; Find the following statement.


       If you can find it, go to the next step.  Otherwise, add this
       statement in ÕManufacturerþ section.
    6. Search ÕIBMþ section; if you don't find it, add ÕIBMþ section
       somewhere between ÕManufacturerþ and ÕNODRIVERþ section; find
       the following statement(s).

       (Note: xxxx of *IBMxxxx is a four digit number).

       Modify (or add) the statement(s) in this section as follows.
       (Note: IBM0050 and IBM36F1 is for ThinkPad 755 CD-ROM models


    7. Search ÕStringþ section; find 'IBMMfg="IBM"' statement; after
       this line, find the following statement.

       *IBMxxxx.DeviceDesc="yyyyyy"  (xxxx   is a four digit number
                                      yyyyyy is a device name      )

       Modify (or add) the statement(s) in this section as follows.
       (Note: IBM0050 and IBM36F1 is for ThinkPad 755 CD-ROM models

       *IBM0050.DeviceDesc="ThinkPad Enhanced Video Device"
       *IBM00E0.DeviceDesc="ThinkPad Mwave DSP"
       *IBM00F1.DeviceDesc="Mwave MPU-401 MIDI Port"
       *IBM00F2.DeviceDesc="Mwave Sound Blaster Support Device"

    8. Save the modified NODRIVER.INF file.  And exit MS-DOS prompt.

    Next, you need to remove "Unknown Device" (or "Mwave DSP") from
    Device Manager.  Then need to refresh the hardware structure.

    9.  Click "My Computer"
    10. Click "Control Panel"
    11. Click "System"
    12. Click on "Device Manager" tab
    13. Click "+" mark of "Other devices"; you see "Unknown Device"
        (or "Mwave DSP processor").
    14. Click on "Unknown Device" (or "Mwave DSP") and click "Remove"
        button; click "OK" to confirm.
    15. Click "Refresh" button; Windows 95 will restructure the device
        tree in "Device Manager" and you now should see correct device
        names under "Other detected devices".

    If you encounter any unexpected results by doing the above, you
   might have failed to modify your NODRIVER.INF file correctly. You
   should recover your original NODRIVER.INF from NODRIVER.BAK which
   you've saved. Rename NODRIVER.BAK to NODRIVER.INF and do the above
   steps again, if desired.
