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Re: problem booting win95 under LILO (linux) from the second hard disk

On Monday, 14th October 1996, Dave Ahn wrote:

> > The only piece of advice that I can immediately offer is to make sure 
> > that your LILO is in your root partition's superblock, and _not_ in the 
> > Master Boot Record.
> This will be ineffective if Hiralal wants to keep Linux on HDD-2.  LILO
> must be installed on the boot drive, so unless he creates a small root
> partition on HDD-1 (within the DOS 1024 cylinder limit), his only other
> options are to use loadlin or install LILO into HDD-1's MBR.

Yes, quite true. If Windows 95 will remain the only partition on the boot 
drive (below the 1024th cylinder), then putting LILO in the boot record 
won't work. 
Christian Carey (ccarey@CapAccess.ORG) +1 301 431 0053