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RE: 701C Memory

FYI: I just bought a 16Mb module for 105 pounds sterling - about
$150 from Memory Experts International Ltd., tel
+44 181 332 2666 - so far it seems to work perfectly (the
machine's certainly faster). I know they're affiliated to
CANRAM in Canada, who have prices about 10% cheaper -
and better for you if you're in the states. I don't have their number
to hand, but I think I found it when I searched for 'canram'
in Alta Vista. They don't have a web site unfortunately, but
there's a telephone number there on the web somewhere.



From: 	hewhite@mailbox.syr.edu[SMTP:hewhite@mailbox.syr.edu]
Sent: 	Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 1996 09:06
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	WTB: 701C Memory

Looking for 8 or 16MB memory module for the IBM TP701C.