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Re: TP750 Memory Upgrades (fwd)

 `Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:12:26 -0400 (EDT)
 `From: "John H. Kim" <jokim@MIT.EDU>
 `To: "daniel (d.s.) hammett" <dhammett@nortel.ca>
 `Subject: Re: TP750 Memory Upgrades 
 `I'm pretty sure it's 36MB (4MB + 32MB card).  IBM doesn't make a 32MB
 `card, but there's at least one company that does.  Name starts with A,
 `"thinkpad approved."  I think Kingston makes one too.

So all 750 + 360 machines can have at most (4 + X) Mb of RAM
if someone makes a "TP approved" X Mb card. Hmm... I've been in
the dark for way too long.

Anyone can quote me prices for 32Mb cards + availability?

.kevin cheong