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Re: Yep, I'm a new ThinkPad owner!

At 09:17 PM 10/7/96 +0100, Alexander Man wrote:

>I think the battery is not in very good shape. It lasts for just over
>one hour before it starts beeping like hell!
>Silly question 1... what is the operating period of the 750Cs with a
>new battery?

        About 2 1/2 hours, assuming you're using it the whole time (as
opposed to regular & periodic suspending--which to me, doesn't count in the
slightest as "use").

>Silly question 2... is the battery that expensive? I've been quoted
>between 150-190 UK pounds for one??!!!!!

        That is pretty bad (based on a rough calc, that's about $225-$300
US, right?).  Maybe its the fact that you're in the UK (lots of things sold
internationally cost more--don't know exactly why).  It seems they can be
had for roughly $100 US here.  (Though I paid in the neighborhood of $225
for the Lithium-Ion battery that goes in my 560).

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
  "If you've been in the game for 30 minutes and still don't know who
is the patsy...*YOU* are the patsy."      - Warren Buffet