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Re: 755CE Serial port under Linux

Don Russell writes:

 > silly question, but did you change your /etc/XF86Config to tell it to
 > use the serial mouse, and specify the mouse type? I have been switching
 > between a serial mouse and the built-in ps/2 stick mouse on a 760C with
 > no trouble at all.

Not silly, I should have said in my original message: I changed

  Device "/dev/mouse"
  Protocol "PS/2"


  Device "/dev/ttyS0"
  Protocol "Microsoft"

I'm sure that's the right protocol because I use it on all my desktop
machines with the same model mouse.  (Logitech First Mouse.)  The
server starts fine, no error messages appear in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors, but the mouse doesn't move and the
buttons aren't noticed.  Setserial says the device is a 16550A UART.
I've heard from ssh@wwsi.com that my serial port may need to be turned
on -- if anyone knows how to do this in Linux I'd love to hear.  My
kernel is built with APM (advanced power management) support, but that
only seems to pertain to battery issues.  Maybe APM *is* my problem,
its so smart it turns off my serial port?  I don't know...
David Fox           http://found.cs.nyu.edu/fox            xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab     fox@cs.nyu.edu     baL hcraeseR aideM UYN