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Re: PCMCIA modem under DOS on TP750Cs


If you point your Web browser at the following site:


I think they have what you're looking for.

Good luck,


On Oct 1,  3:36pm, Dave Ahn wrote:
> Subject: PCMCIA modem under DOS on TP750Cs
> Hello,
> My recently acquired TP750Cs came with Win95 installed.  However, I 
> to access my PCMCIA modem (AT&T Keep In Touch 14.4) from DOS without
> entering Win95.  I have downloaded the latest PCMCIA Features disk, 
> gives me the Card Services drivers.  I can see the modem from EZPLAY, 
> I cannot access it from a DOS comm program.  The modem works fine
> under Win95 and a DOS shell under Win95.
> I've read the FAQs and other files for the TP750 and have come to
> the conclusion that I'm missing some drivers, including point 
> etc.  And I recall reading that there are some PCMCIA drivers that
> come with IBM PC-DOS, which I do not have.  I am also missing the
> driver disk (if any) for my modem.  Are there any publicly available
> drivers which will allow me to use the modem under DOS?  Or some
> kind of workaround?  Or could someome make the IBM PC-DOS drivers
> available (since they would have been in my PC-DOS disks anyway)?
> Thanks,
> Dave.
> -- 
> Dave Ahn,  ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu     "When you were born you cried, 
and the
>            ^^ PLEASE NOTE CHANGE ^^      world rejoiced.  Try to live 
your life
> Medical Visualization Lab, Radiology,    so that when you die you will 
> Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  
-1/2 jj^2
>-- End of excerpt from Dave Ahn


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