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Re: NT 4.0 on 760c w/24MB

On Tuesday, 1st October 1996, Alex Judd wrote:

> Running [Windows NT 4.0] on a 755CD with 24MB memory. Works great,
> installs fine, even uses MWave for NT fine (so far). Things to watch 
> out for are huge diskspace eating and sppeeeeeedddd. 

The only hardware on which I've seen Windows NT run quickly is on an Intel
Pentium Pro and a DEC Alpha. (I haven't seen Windows NT on the other
non-Intel platforms, so I don't know how it performs on those.) Regarding
the disk appetite, are you using a FAT partition or NTFS? If your hard
disk is set up as a single FAT partition, then it's not surprising that
the free disk is disappearing quickly. 

Christian Carey (ccarey@CapAccess.ORG) +1 301 431 0053