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Re: Enhanced Video on 755cd/win95

Thanks for the input.  However I already had the v7320 device specified in
the system.ini.  I took out the IBMTPURA.VXD as you suggested since it was
still in there, but no luck.

Note: I do have some enhanced video features.  ie. I can input from the TV
or output to a TV.  My problem is, with this nice NEC MultiSync XP17 that I
just bought, I would like to make use of the higher output resolutions to
the external monitor.  When I go into display, the options are all greyed
out for higher than 640x480 resolution.  Also no screen rotation which I
used under 3.1 when using the LCD display panel feature. (I have a CDV).

Do you have the higher external video resolutions available?

Thanks for keeping us posted

At 10:03 PM 9/18/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Since I remember someone else on the list having the same problem as me,
>I'm posting this the list.
>I managed to get all the enhanced video features on my 755cd working under
>win95.  The trick was to comment out the line device=IBMTPURA.VXD in
>system.ini, and manually add in in the 386enh section
>and it works using the Windows95 Western Digital drivers, you don't have
>to use the Win 3.1 drivers for the 755.
>Josh Hosseinof
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