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Re: 755Cs video/95

At 12:39 PM 9/10/96 EDT, Michael wrote:

>is anyone using a 755Cs and win95?  i swapped hard drives between a 755CSE and 
>a 755Cs.  the CSE works great with the drive from the Cs, but the Cs won't do 
>more than 16 colors without giving me static on the screen every time i move 
>the mouse & a video compatability error message every time i start the os.
>so i go to the thinkpad win95 page & d/l the 95 video drivers for the 755Cs 
>(vftps133.exe and win95set.exe).  neither disk, however, contains any win95 
>drivers for this machine.  vinstall asks me to choose my machine type, but
>isn't in the list.  so i look at the contents of the disk.  it includes
>files (including vinstall.exe) in the root, plus a directory called 'win31'
>a directory called 'os2_21'.  no win95.
>so i read the readme's.  vftps133 doesn't even apply to the Cs, even though
>web site says it does.  win95set does apply to the Cs, but it doesn't
appear to 
>have anything for me (no win95 directory, no 9545 in the options list).
>any ideas?

I ran into the same problem--even though it explicitly states the drivers
are for win95, they are without question the win3.x drivers.  I'm not sure
if this has been addressed in the list but I would appreciate any insights
as well.


Will Dunn
Leopard Communications
Boulder, CO