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Re: Thinkpad 755CE HD

We can upgrade the TP755 through 2.1gb Hard Drives. We can also upgrade the
CPU for faster response times along with RAM and Accessories for most majot
brand systems. Please contact me if you need any more information.

Best Regards,

email: pepsale2@portables.com
Portable Enhancements
The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
Up to 2.1GB in your Notebook!
WEB: http://www.portables.com/pep

========Original Message========

Subj:	Thinkpad 755CE HD
Date:	96-09-07 03:09:45 EDT
From:	dliu@glink.net.hk (David Liu)
To:	THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu

I am looking into buying a HD for my thinkpad 75x series
Any one have any suggestion in where I can buy one....

Thanks ....

.    David Liu     (CNE,MCSE)    |    Voice    : (852)2825-6822
.                                |    Fax :    : (852)2568-9290          .
.    dliu@glink.net.hk           |    BBS :    : (852)2539-7218          .
.    dliu@hkstar.com             |    FidoNet  : 6:700/671               .
.                                |    http://www.hkstar.com/~dliu        .
.                                |    http://www.glink.net.hk/~dliu      .