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Re: 701: Faster booting through...what?

On Sun, 8 Sep 1996, epbrown wrote:

> 	Like anyone with Windows95 and 24MB RAM, I've been playing around with the
> butterfly, trying to get it to boot faster.  I succeeded, but I don't know
> how!  I knowingly changed the Startup Sequence in the BIOS to "hard disk" so
> that it wouldn't spend time looking for te floppy drive, and that's helped a
> lot I think, but (and I'm not complaining, mind you) my system is now no
> longer testing my RAM.  You know how it scrolls through numbers until it gets
> to the amount you have?  It's not doing that.  I'm running without and
> autoexec.bat and config.sys, so it can't be them.  Anyone else done this?

Well Mine did that at one time (not counting memory). At the same time 
the pcmcia controller was dead.  Sent in to ezserv and they replaced the 
system board. BTW I tried the same thing you did about changing the 
booting to harddrive. Mine still counts so thats not it. Go in to diag. 
and check your pcmcia controller.

Michael Cummings at home, feet up in       |    Pyramid OSx MIS-12   
Columbia, MD. Internet cummings@netcom.com |      Systems Admin.
  Washington DC. "A radio wasteland"...    |---------------------------- 
   I Want My W G T B Back!!!               |My other op-system is Linux!
      He will live on in our hearts, Jerry Garcia. 1942 - 1995.