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Re: 560 vs. 701

On Fri, 6 Sep 96 11:07:12 EDT, you wrote:

""Now you're talking!  [Are you listening IBM?  We want a 702!]"
"But the question is, are you willing to pay for it, or do you expect to
"be able to buy it at the same fire sale price (a frction of the original
"list) that you probably paid for your 701?
	Well, I'd be willing to pay *more* than the $1500 I shelled out for my
DX4-75 if the model was updated with a Lithium-Ion battery, Pentium, 28.8
built-in modem, >1GB drive, and if the keyboard port was built into the
machine rather than on the port replicator (I don't like having to take the
MultiPort just because I wanna use my QuickCam somewhere).  It shouldn't be as
high as they were asking originally because with the advent of larger screens,
they should be able to cut quite a deal on 10.4" displays.  Make it around
$2500 and I'd be interested.  Should be doable with all existing tech and
form-factors in use already.  I'd pay more if they could get Toshiba-like
performance out of the design (Thinkpads just don't benchmark well against the
competition until you cross the $5000 mark, darn it!)
	Odds are my next laptop will be a Kiwi.  I'd put up with the weight for the
easy upgrade ability of those unit.  That's a ways off yet, though; I'm still
enjoying my 701!
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