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Re: 560 vs. 701

At 10:15 AM 9/6/96 EDT, you wrote:
>"        yeah.. thats wat I heard too.. but then how about making an ULTRA
>portable, small as a 701, thick as a 560, and power of a 760 :) Dream

Now you're talking!  [Are you listening IBM?  We want a 702!]

>As I suggested before, a nice idea would be to make a standard form factor
>notebook, i.e. 560 size, but use the folding keyboard technology to give
>a full keyboard with numeric pad and standard keys, and breathing room.
Another good idea -I liked it when you suggested it before.  But give
me the 702 Dream Machine.  [Pay attention IBM:  "You have the

Bryan Daum    N1AHD
Allied Inspection Services
Portland, Oregon 