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Re: 560 vs. 701

At 01:22 AM 9/6/96 EDT, you wrote:
>"        Why can't they make new 701s with PENTIUM chips in them..... :("
>my understanding was that the market indicated that the large screens were
>considered essential by most users (sitting here with a 12.4" 768x1024 TFT
>screen, I certainly agree with that), and 701 was simply too small a form
>factor to accomodate screens larger than 10.4".
>That's what I read in InfoWorld last year.....larger screens....
I think that what a lot of people are saying that they just really like the
701.   I have also
been delighted.   BUT-if only it had a built in 28.8 modem and a Pentium!
The design is sweet.
the size is delightful and the butterfly keyboard actually works quite well.
There are a lot 
of laptops out there but I loved the size and feel of the 701 the first time
I ever saw one where
I could put my hands on it.  It is a unique machine out there in own nitch.
If ever there was
a machine that IBM should grace with an upgrade board it is this one.   I
think it should be
in the Museum of Modern Art...