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Re: Win95 vs. NT 4 on Thinkpad

When I'm not running my preferred OS, OS/2 Warp Merlin, I have NT 4.0 on my 
machine.  OS/2's support for PCMCIA is significantly better than NT as is the 
PNP support (however, although Merlin's support is much better it does not 
measure up to Win95's PNP support, NT is not even on the playing field).  If I 
had to run a Windows variant, it would be NT 4.0 definitely over Win95.  NT 
rarely crashes and has enough support for my 755CX (810HD, 40MB) to keep me 
relatively happy.  However, don't forget to get the IBM TP utilities or your 
power will be consumed at an alarming rate (about 2-3 faster w/o the 
utilities).  MWave is working fine ...  PCMCIA works but does not allow 'hot' 
use of the cards, you need to power down to change'em, unlike Warp and Win95.  
The biggest complaint I have is that I can only get 256 colors regardless of 
resolution whereas I can get 64k at 800x600 on OS/2.  Installation was not 
entirely painless but is bearable if you use a docking station with a CD.  Good 
luck ....


	ingerman @ chelsea.ios.com ("Mark M. Ingerman") 
09/04/96 11:23 PM

To: thinkpad @ cs.utk.edu @ INTERNET
cc:  (bcc: Bill Abt/CAM/Lotus)
Subject: Win95 vs. NT 4 on Thinkpad

With the recent announcement of NT 4.0 availability, I am pondering 
installing NT 4.0 on my thinkpad ( certain applications I need won't 
run under Win95 ).  The only problem is that Microsoft seems to be 
back peddleing on that availability of the notebook power support and 
the plug and play support.

I noticed that Digital is shipping NT 4.0 with its top of the line 
notebooks.  I can only assume that they have written proprietary 
support.  Has anybody heard anything from Mircosoft, IBM, etc. about 
the availability of these features for older IBM Thinkpad ( e.g. my 
755cx ).  I would prefer to upgrade, but I don't want to wait for 
Cairo like Microsoft suggests.

Looks like Microsoft has done it again.  I am caught between a rock 
and a hard place.  Any input would be appreciated.  After all, I may 
be missinterpreting the trade rags.  I would be interested in hearing 
some pros and cons on Win95 vs. NT 4.0 for Thinkpads.
Mark M. Ingerman
Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
(508) 394-5899