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Re: Moving 95 ?

Hi again,

At 21:31 03.09.96 EDT, you wrote:
>if you could borrow a PCMCIA disk for a while, this is a good medium
>for doing such transfers.

afaik, getting the bits and bytes moved electrically is
the least of the problems. i believe a large part of the
problem involved "special" files that are crucial to
win95, but are always in use and won't be copied by any
normal means. 
if i remember the article mentioned in my first reply 
correctly, moving a full win95 set involved booting off
a win95-panic disk and invoking xcopy with an armada of
special command-line parameters. 
and then the whole enchilada needs to be bootable...

i might just dig that magazine out, if i don't drop dead
in my bed first...

don't dispair (yet),


.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
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