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Moving 95 ?

        A friend's drive needs to be retired but before it goes he wants to
transfer everything over onto the new drive.  He doesn't have a tape drive
and would like to do the IDE master / slave hook-up.  This seems very simple
on the surface but with Win 95 and it's unfamiliar, hidden and system files,
I'm not so sure.  I'd like to help him but I don't want to spend hours and
find out it's not going to fly.  I have not played with 95's backup program
so maybe that's an avenue to look at.  Anybody have any ideas?

 Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
 Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions
 three ere the other side he see."             Bridgekeeper, Holy Grail