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Re: XFree86 3.1.2F is out / 760C

> Anybody succeded to make 3.1.2F (SVGA) running on a 760C ? I installed
> everything, configured it with XF86Setup and when i started it up it
> looked fine, but only at first sights. When the mouse is moved there
> is a square around the cursor which gets strangely updated: it's a
> copy of the screen a couple of centimeters towards the upper right
> corner. the screen also gets corrupted when you reach the bottom of a
> xterm and the xterm tries to scroll ...
> any ideas/suggestions/help ?

Ugh. Did you have this problem with 3.1.2E?

Does toggling Fn-7 change anything?

What if you use your old (non-XF86Setup) XF86Config?

You should probably submit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/BetaReport to
report@XFree86.org with the description and the output of X
