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Re: Kudos for IBM EasyServ

At 06:09 PM 8/30/96 EDT, Robert Dewar wrote:
>"that 560 is just a silly machine"
>and yet every single review I have seen, including places like the New
>York Times, have been 100% enthusiastic. I guess weight is critical to
>a lot of poeple.

        Its *very* critical to some of us.  Even the 1/2 lb. difference
between the 701 and the 560 is quite noticable, now that I have both to play

        Everyone saw my review of the machine and knows what I thought was
good & bad about it.

        I'm interested in finding out exactly what Boris thinks is "silly"
about the 560?

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle