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Re: Stupid thinkpad tricks. TP701 & Win 3.1

At 04:56 PM 8/28/96 -0700, Stephen Mosley wrote:
>Can you get your TP to do tricks? If you have a TP701 with the butterfly 
>keyboard try this: 

> Yes, but did you also know that your TP takes a _screen 
>capture_ as well?! Mine does! When ever I do the keyboard retract, the 
>clipboard (In Windows 3.1) magically gets filled with an image of 
>whatever is on the screen, suitable for pasting into your favorite image 
>processing software!

        I'm not working from my 701 right now, so I can't confirm that it
does this on mine, but...

        Are you aware that the "Print Screen" key is set up in Windows (any
version--not sure about NT) to copy the contents of the screen to the
clipboard?  Also, I think if you hold Control or Shift while you do the
Print Screen key, it copies only the active window).

        At any rate, when your keyboard folds, I'm guessing somehow that
Print Screen key (which folds under the plastic) is either getting pushed or
bumped, or perhaps a contact underneath activates it.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle